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We get it - a blanket that's heavy is supposed to help you relax? For $200?

Hear us out as to how they work, and why we think you should give Nuzzie a try.

The science behind weighted blankets is that the weighted "hugging" sensation of the blanket releases serotonin, the 'feel-good' hormone, while decreasing cortisol, the stress hormone. This is the same feeling that happens when you go to get a massage - scientists call it deep pressure stimulation (DPS) and doctors often recommend it for people struggling with anxiety, insomnia, and sensory issues commonly associated with autism.

What's great about the Nuzzie is we figured out how to replicate that sensation in a blanket that isn't going to make you too hot (the most common reason customers say they don't like our competitors' products) and looks nice enough that you don't hide it away when company comes over. We use the highest quality, sustainable materials to help you and your family realize the benefits of DPS in a product you're proud to have on your bed or in your living room.

Here's what some customers had to say after giving it a try:

"I was skeptical at first, but wow! I fall asleep so much faster and don't toss and turn so much anymore" -Emily

"I needed something that wasn't too warm and I'd heard of the benefits of weighted blankets. That first nap after it arrived was the best sleep I have had in years. I'm a true convert” -James

Product details content

We get it - a blanket that's heavy is supposed to help you relax? For $200?

Hear us out as to how they work, and why we think you should give Nuzzie a try.

The science behind weighted blankets is that the weighted "hugging" sensation of the blanket releases serotonin, the 'feel-good' hormone, while decreasing cortisol, the stress hormone. This is the same feeling that happens when you go to get a massage - scientists call it deep pressure stimulation (DPS) and doctors often recommend it for people struggling with anxiety, insomnia, and sensory issues commonly associated with autism.

What's great about the Nuzzie is we figured out how to replicate that sensation in a blanket that isn't going to make you too hot (the most common reason customers say they don't like our competitors' products) and looks nice enough that you don't hide it away when company comes over. We use the highest quality, sustainable materials to help you and your family realize the benefits of DPS in a product you're proud to have on your bed or in your living room.

Here's what some customers had to say after giving it a try:

"I was skeptical at first, but wow! I fall asleep so much faster and don't toss and turn so much anymore" -Emily

"I needed something that wasn't too warm and I'd heard of the benefits of weighted blankets. That first nap after it arrived was the best sleep I have had in years. I'm a true convert” -James