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Woman drinking coffee with laptop and Nuzzie blanket

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Conquering the Sunday Scaries with Effective Self-Care Strategies

Time flies when you’re having fun, and it’s easy when Sunday night rolls around to feel wistful that your weekend couldn’t last a little longer. But sometimes, even after a restful weekend, people can feel down or anxious due to “Sunday Scaries.” Don’t let these feelings get you down—it doesn’t have to be this way every Sunday! 

In this blog post, we’ll share what the Sunday Scaries are and how to recognize it, common causes, and some simple yet effective tips for conquering your Sunday Scaries once and for all. From ensuring you’re rested each Saturday night through changing traditional routines, use these resources when Sundays start feeling overwhelming so you can counteract those negative feelings ASAP. 


What Are Sunday Scaries and What Causes It? 

Many individuals experience the “Sunday Scaries” on Sunday evenings, feeling anxious, uneasy, and dread due to the upcoming workweek. During this time, the relaxed and carefree mood of the weekend is replaced by work or school-related stress and responsibilities, leading to a state of mind that is less pleasant. 

A recent survey by LinkedIn revealed that most professionals, precisely 80%, undergo the “Sunday Scaries.” Additionally, the report found that over 90% of Millennials and Gen Z also experience this feeling. 


Anxious vs. Nervous – what's the difference? 

It’s understandable to feel uneasy about the impending return to the weekday routine and the end of leisure time on Sundays. The pressure to meet deadlines and perform well can be overwhelming and trigger stress. Fear of the unknown and anticipation of new challenges and demands at work or school can also negatively affect one’s emotional well-being. Finally, unresolved issues or unfinished tasks from the previous week can weigh heavily on one’s mind, exacerbating the Sunday Scaries. These are all common factors that contribute to feeling stressed, but a strong self-care routine can help alleviate some of these factors 

However, others may experience the Sunday Scaries due to psychological factors, such as an untreated anxiety or panic disorder. These are different to stress in that they may be unrelated to workload and levels of stress in your life. Instead, anxiety creates outsized panicked feelings even from small stresses or setbacks. 


What do ‘Sunday Scaries’ look like? 

Sunday Scaries can manifest themselves in different ways, some of which might be surprising to you. 

  • Sense of Dread: A general sense of dread is the most recognized form of the Sunday Scaries, where worries about the week ahead interfere with your afternoon or evening activities  
  • Irritability: Sometimes worry about the week ahead can actually turn to anger, where small setbacks or disagreements become particularly irritating on Sundays. 
  • Decision Fatigue: Have you ever looked in your kitchen for Sunday dinner and become overwhelmed at the idea of choosing something to eat? This is an example of decision fatigue, where your mind is so preoccupied with worries it saps your energy to make other decisions. 
  • Difficulty Falling Asleep: This is a particularly common symptom of the Sunday Scaries, as those intrusive worries about your week make it harder to clear your mind to fall asleep.  
  • Anxiety / panic attacks: In severe cases, you may experience anxiety or panic attacks triggered by the looming week ahead. 


Tips on How to Conquer Sunday Scaries 

If you are experiencing Sunday Scaries, know that it is a common emotion and does not last forever. Fortunately, there are effective strategies to help you cope with this feeling and feel ready to tackle the workweek ahead. 

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is vital for our well-being and can significantly impact our daily productivity levels. It’s important to remember to take some time for rest, especially on the weekends. 

If you’re feeling exhausted, take the time to catch up on some sleep on Saturday night to help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle Sunday’s tasks. 

A weighted blanket like the Nuzzie can be the perfect partner to help you achieve a peaceful slumber. The premium weighted blanket is made with soft jersey knit and is designed to distribute weight evenly across your body, alleviating stress and calming your mind. It’s open-knit design ensures you don’t overheat during use, making it great for year-round relaxing 

  1. Turn Off Your Phone

For many of us, our phones have become a constant companion. We check them first thing in the morning, throughout the day, and before bed. However, this constant connection to technology can actually do more harm than good. 

That’s why turning off your phone (or setting your alarm and then leaving it in another room) on Sunday evenings can be the perfect way to disconnect and give yourself some much-needed “me” time. 

Unplugging from technology can help reduce stress levels and make you feel more relaxed and productive. So why not give it a try? Ditch your phone on Sunday evenings and allow yourself time to unwind and recharge. 

If ditching your phone completely feels like too hard, consider setting a timer for 30 minutes as an initial challenge. You may find when the timer goes off you don’t feel the need to immediately pick it back up! 

  1. Create a Sunday Night Ritual

Sunday nights can be challenging for many people as the reality of the upcoming week sets in. However, a simple Sunday night ritual can help ease the stress of Sunday Scaries and promote a positive mindset. Here are some examples of Sunday night routine activities you might consider, but you should feel free to tweak your routine to include what helps you the most and what you will look forward to: 

  • 10 minute setup: combat some of the Sunday Scaries by making your Monday morning a little easier. Set aside 10 minutes for any Monday morning prep tasks, such as packing your work/lunch bag, laying out your clothes for the next day, or setting out what you need for a quick breakfast. 
  • Call a trusted friend or family member: leaning on friends or family is a great way to be reminded of your value outside of work or school. 
  • Run a bath or shower 
  • Take a short walk around your neighborhood or engage in other low-impact exercises, such as light yoga or stretching 
  • Have a cup of caffeine-free tea or other beverage of choice (but skip the alcohol if it’s close to bedtime) 
  • Try out an ‘analog’ hobby, such as reading, crafts, or a crossword puzzle 
  • Try a guided meditation or positive affirmations to help you address your worries and calm your mind 

Incorporating a Sunday night ritual into your routine can help you feel more in control and empowered, leading to increased productivity and a more organized approach to the week ahead. Try it and see how it positively impacts your mindset and overall well-being. 

When it comes to finding a relaxing Sunday night routine, the Nuzzie can be a great tool to help you relax while implementing these other strategies. The gentle hugging sensation of a Nuzzie weighted blanket releases serotonin, the ‘feel-good’ hormone, and decreases cortisol, the stress hormone. So when it comes to winding down on the couch or in bed, let your Nuzzie help your Sunday routinue be that more relaxing! 

  1. Speak about your feelings

Whether this is speaking out loud with a trusted friend, writing in a journal, or e-journaling, putting words to your feelings can be an effective way to start processing them. On top of this strategy, you may also consider journalling some “positive affirmation” responses to your worries, to help match those negative feelings with more positive ones. 

  1. Exercise and Get Outdoors

Exercise and spending time outside regardless of intensity level has important mental health benefits. Choose an activity that you enjoy regardless of intensity level - you don’t have to torture yourself with intense cardio or heavy lifting if that’s not what you’re into.  

Whether it’s Pilates, walking, or just stretching, each has its own unique advantages that can help you manage stress and boost your physical and mental health. By dedicating a little time each day to move your body and breathe fresh air, you can experience amazing things for your overall wellness. 

One insider tip we love - plan your Sunday night exercise routine with a friend (either virtually or in-person). This way, it’ll be easier to stick to, and you won’t have to worry about squeezing it into a hectic week. 

  1. See a Mental Health Professional

If you find yourself struggling even after attempts to implement some of the strategies above, know that there are professionals who can help. Mental health experts are trained to provide a safe and supportive space where you can talk about your problems and learn new ways to manage your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. 

Therapy sessions can be invaluable in helping you handle stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. It’s essential to prioritize your mental health just as your physical health. So, if you need support, don’t hesitate to reach out. Seeing a mental health professional can be a game-changer regarding reducing stress and improving overall well-being. 


Closing Thoughts 

Ultimately, the feeling of the Sunday Scaries may not disappear. But if your Sunday Scaries start impacting work during the week, it’s time to review those easy-to-implement steps for combating them before they become a significant issue. 

Remember: It all begins with looking after yourself—getting enough rest, creating a routine you can stick to, and giving yourself some “me time” to help steer your mind into calmer waters. From all of us at Nuzzie, we hope you feel better soon! 

Conquering the Sunday Scaries with Effective Self-Care Strategies

Woman drinking coffee with laptop and Nuzzie blanket

Time flies when you’re having fun, and it’s easy when Sunday night rolls around to feel wistful that your weekend couldn’t last a little longer. But sometimes, even after a restful weekend, people can feel down or anxious due to “Sunday Scaries.” Don’t let these feelings get you down—it doesn’t have to be this way every Sunday! 

In this blog post, we’ll share what the Sunday Scaries are and how to recognize it, common causes, and some simple yet effective tips for conquering your Sunday Scaries once and for all. From ensuring you’re rested each Saturday night through changing traditional routines, use these resources when Sundays start feeling overwhelming so you can counteract those negative feelings ASAP. 


What Are Sunday Scaries and What Causes It? 

Many individuals experience the “Sunday Scaries” on Sunday evenings, feeling anxious, uneasy, and dread due to the upcoming workweek. During this time, the relaxed and carefree mood of the weekend is replaced by work or school-related stress and responsibilities, leading to a state of mind that is less pleasant. 

A recent survey by LinkedIn revealed that most professionals, precisely 80%, undergo the “Sunday Scaries.” Additionally, the report found that over 90% of Millennials and Gen Z also experience this feeling. 


Anxious vs. Nervous – what's the difference? 

It’s understandable to feel uneasy about the impending return to the weekday routine and the end of leisure time on Sundays. The pressure to meet deadlines and perform well can be overwhelming and trigger stress. Fear of the unknown and anticipation of new challenges and demands at work or school can also negatively affect one’s emotional well-being. Finally, unresolved issues or unfinished tasks from the previous week can weigh heavily on one’s mind, exacerbating the Sunday Scaries. These are all common factors that contribute to feeling stressed, but a strong self-care routine can help alleviate some of these factors 

However, others may experience the Sunday Scaries due to psychological factors, such as an untreated anxiety or panic disorder. These are different to stress in that they may be unrelated to workload and levels of stress in your life. Instead, anxiety creates outsized panicked feelings even from small stresses or setbacks. 


What do ‘Sunday Scaries’ look like? 

Sunday Scaries can manifest themselves in different ways, some of which might be surprising to you. 

  • Sense of Dread: A general sense of dread is the most recognized form of the Sunday Scaries, where worries about the week ahead interfere with your afternoon or evening activities  
  • Irritability: Sometimes worry about the week ahead can actually turn to anger, where small setbacks or disagreements become particularly irritating on Sundays. 
  • Decision Fatigue: Have you ever looked in your kitchen for Sunday dinner and become overwhelmed at the idea of choosing something to eat? This is an example of decision fatigue, where your mind is so preoccupied with worries it saps your energy to make other decisions. 
  • Difficulty Falling Asleep: This is a particularly common symptom of the Sunday Scaries, as those intrusive worries about your week make it harder to clear your mind to fall asleep.  
  • Anxiety / panic attacks: In severe cases, you may experience anxiety or panic attacks triggered by the looming week ahead. 


Tips on How to Conquer Sunday Scaries 

If you are experiencing Sunday Scaries, know that it is a common emotion and does not last forever. Fortunately, there are effective strategies to help you cope with this feeling and feel ready to tackle the workweek ahead. 

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is vital for our well-being and can significantly impact our daily productivity levels. It’s important to remember to take some time for rest, especially on the weekends. 

If you’re feeling exhausted, take the time to catch up on some sleep on Saturday night to help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle Sunday’s tasks. 

A weighted blanket like the Nuzzie can be the perfect partner to help you achieve a peaceful slumber. The premium weighted blanket is made with soft jersey knit and is designed to distribute weight evenly across your body, alleviating stress and calming your mind. It’s open-knit design ensures you don’t overheat during use, making it great for year-round relaxing 

  1. Turn Off Your Phone

For many of us, our phones have become a constant companion. We check them first thing in the morning, throughout the day, and before bed. However, this constant connection to technology can actually do more harm than good. 

That’s why turning off your phone (or setting your alarm and then leaving it in another room) on Sunday evenings can be the perfect way to disconnect and give yourself some much-needed “me” time. 

Unplugging from technology can help reduce stress levels and make you feel more relaxed and productive. So why not give it a try? Ditch your phone on Sunday evenings and allow yourself time to unwind and recharge. 

If ditching your phone completely feels like too hard, consider setting a timer for 30 minutes as an initial challenge. You may find when the timer goes off you don’t feel the need to immediately pick it back up! 

  1. Create a Sunday Night Ritual

Sunday nights can be challenging for many people as the reality of the upcoming week sets in. However, a simple Sunday night ritual can help ease the stress of Sunday Scaries and promote a positive mindset. Here are some examples of Sunday night routine activities you might consider, but you should feel free to tweak your routine to include what helps you the most and what you will look forward to: 

  • 10 minute setup: combat some of the Sunday Scaries by making your Monday morning a little easier. Set aside 10 minutes for any Monday morning prep tasks, such as packing your work/lunch bag, laying out your clothes for the next day, or setting out what you need for a quick breakfast. 
  • Call a trusted friend or family member: leaning on friends or family is a great way to be reminded of your value outside of work or school. 
  • Run a bath or shower 
  • Take a short walk around your neighborhood or engage in other low-impact exercises, such as light yoga or stretching 
  • Have a cup of caffeine-free tea or other beverage of choice (but skip the alcohol if it’s close to bedtime) 
  • Try out an ‘analog’ hobby, such as reading, crafts, or a crossword puzzle 
  • Try a guided meditation or positive affirmations to help you address your worries and calm your mind 

Incorporating a Sunday night ritual into your routine can help you feel more in control and empowered, leading to increased productivity and a more organized approach to the week ahead. Try it and see how it positively impacts your mindset and overall well-being. 

When it comes to finding a relaxing Sunday night routine, the Nuzzie can be a great tool to help you relax while implementing these other strategies. The gentle hugging sensation of a Nuzzie weighted blanket releases serotonin, the ‘feel-good’ hormone, and decreases cortisol, the stress hormone. So when it comes to winding down on the couch or in bed, let your Nuzzie help your Sunday routinue be that more relaxing! 

  1. Speak about your feelings

Whether this is speaking out loud with a trusted friend, writing in a journal, or e-journaling, putting words to your feelings can be an effective way to start processing them. On top of this strategy, you may also consider journalling some “positive affirmation” responses to your worries, to help match those negative feelings with more positive ones. 

  1. Exercise and Get Outdoors

Exercise and spending time outside regardless of intensity level has important mental health benefits. Choose an activity that you enjoy regardless of intensity level - you don’t have to torture yourself with intense cardio or heavy lifting if that’s not what you’re into.  

Whether it’s Pilates, walking, or just stretching, each has its own unique advantages that can help you manage stress and boost your physical and mental health. By dedicating a little time each day to move your body and breathe fresh air, you can experience amazing things for your overall wellness. 

One insider tip we love - plan your Sunday night exercise routine with a friend (either virtually or in-person). This way, it’ll be easier to stick to, and you won’t have to worry about squeezing it into a hectic week. 

  1. See a Mental Health Professional

If you find yourself struggling even after attempts to implement some of the strategies above, know that there are professionals who can help. Mental health experts are trained to provide a safe and supportive space where you can talk about your problems and learn new ways to manage your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. 

Therapy sessions can be invaluable in helping you handle stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. It’s essential to prioritize your mental health just as your physical health. So, if you need support, don’t hesitate to reach out. Seeing a mental health professional can be a game-changer regarding reducing stress and improving overall well-being. 


Closing Thoughts 

Ultimately, the feeling of the Sunday Scaries may not disappear. But if your Sunday Scaries start impacting work during the week, it’s time to review those easy-to-implement steps for combating them before they become a significant issue. 

Remember: It all begins with looking after yourself—getting enough rest, creating a routine you can stick to, and giving yourself some “me time” to help steer your mind into calmer waters. From all of us at Nuzzie, we hope you feel better soon! 

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